Pop Up Liquidation Sale Begins June 1, 2022
Tesori Inc. is starting a Pop-Up Liquidation Sale on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Our Pop-Up location is: 510 Harwood Road, Bedford, TX. 76021. EVERY...
Read moreVisit us on Facebook @Tesori Imports and Instagram @tesoriworthave for weekly sale updates. Clearance Sale is IN STORE ONLY. Online shopping has been temporarily disabled during our Sale. Visit our store at 510 Harwood Road, Suite J, Bedford, TX (hours 11 - 4 M-F)
Your Guide to Italian Olive Oils Walking down the olive oil aisle at the grocery store can be an overwhelming task... Do you spend the extra $10 t...
Read moreFestivals & Activities in June There's nothing quite like Italy in June... The cool and salty breeze gently rolls off the sea waves as you ...
Read moreBuono Festa della Repubblica! June 2nd is one of the most significant days for Italians because it's Republic Day! On June 2nd, 1946, after World W...
Read moreI Galli Cantano! The Roosters Crow! When browsing through our selection of Rooster of Fortune, you might start to wonder why the rooster image is s...
Read morePrendiamo un Caffè! Let's get a coffee! It's incredible to think about the millions of conversations that have surrounded a cup of coffee! The lif...
Read moreBuono Festa della Mamma! Happy Mother's Day! There's a saying in Italy that goes “Solo un giorno in cui ricordare, chi mi ha donato la vita, 364 ...
Read moreBuono Festa della Liberazione! La Festa della Liberazione falls every year on April 25th and celebrates Italy's liberation from Mussolini's Italian...
Read moreTesori Imports is thrilled to offer a selection of Gialletti Giulio ceramics, a third-generation Ceramiche working in the Renassaince tradition of ...
Read moreBuona Pasqua! Happy Easter! If you're wondering when you should visit Italy, and you're in the mood to celebrate big, Easter might be the perfect...
Read moreHistory of Venice When you picture Italy, one of two images likely pop into your head; either a rolling countryside and vineyard or the colorful,...
Read moreHow to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Italy: Are you looking to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Italy? Then you're in luck! There are a handful of...
Read moreYou might be surprised to learn that the origins of some of the most famous carnivals in the world, such as Mardi Gras, or the massive Carnival in ...
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